von Marcel Kleffmann,

EVE Online - Meilenstein geknackt

EVE Online (Rollenspiel) von CCP Games
EVE Online (Rollenspiel) von CCP Games - Bildquelle: CCP Games

CCP (Crowd Control Productions) freut sich über 100.000 aktive Abonnenten des Weltraum-MMORPGs EVE Online. Einen weiteren Meilenstein erreichte das Online-Rollenspiel mit 23.178 gleichzeitig aktiven Spielern.

"The key to success in this industry is providing content that promotes immersive longevity,” said Nathan Richardsson, Senior Producer of EVE Online. "Time-based skill advancement evens the playing field between new and veteran players, and our model of providing free game expansions to subscribers ensures that the player experience always stays fresh and continues to evolve.”

Quelle: CCP


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