von Michael Krosta,

7 Sins - Neue Bilder mit Anleitungen

Zusammen mit fünf neuen Bildern haben die Sex-Gurus von Digital Jesters auch noch eine passende PR-Meldung mitgeliefert, die wir euch in Auszügen natürlich nicht vorenthalten wollen - vielleicht regt es ja eure Kreativität beim Liebesspiel an ;-)

Hier also die Pressemitteilung - viel Spaß:

So once you've found the woman of your dreams and reached the point in your relationship where sex is definitely on the cards, get off on getting it on in one, or all of these places:

5 - The Apartment Bed
Not the most original of places to slip into something more comfortable, which explains its place at the bottom of the list. Perfectly acceptable for the more reserved lovers, but without an audience or the chance of discovery, the excitement factor is dangerously low.

4- The Shower
Hot, steamy and a perfect place to get down and dirty, then scrub yourself clean and wash the sin away. Plenty of scope for fun and games with the soap bar too! It's more adventurous than the bedroom, but still lacks that extra risk of getting caught in the act.

3 – The Changing Room
Not one for the claustrophobic Casanova, but the fitting room is a perfect for a quickie while you try out that saucy new lingerie. It's a tight squeeze, and with nothing but a thin veil between you and the other customers, the excitement factor is drastically increased.

2 – The Nightclub
It may not tickle everyone's fancy, but for those who just can't wait until they get home, sex on the sofas in a darkened club can be a serious turn on. With party goers and keen eyed bouncers milling around, it's one for the daring and the devilish to try.

1- The Shop Window
Live life on the edge! - The ultimate exhibitionist fantasy is something only the serious adrenaline junkies should try. In plain view of the public, shoppers and the store manager's watchful eye, this blatant sinful sex act could only ever be held at the very top of list.

Am 20. Mai könnt ihr all das zumindest am PC oder der PS2 in die Tat umsetzen, denn dann kommt 7 Sins in die (Erotik-)Läden. 


Sabrehawk schrieb am
Wasn dass ? Onans Rache ? Weichspül Pr0n Game ohne
hardcore ? OMG wie lol ...
AnonymousPHPBB3 schrieb am
<P>Zusammen mit fünf neuen <A href="http://www.4players.de/4players.php/scr ... _Sins.html" target="">Bildern</A> haben die Sex-Gurus von Digital Jesters auch noch eine passende PR-Meldung mitgeliefert, die wir euch in Auszügen natürlich nicht vorenthalten wollen - vielleicht regt es ja eure Kreativität beim Liebesspiel an ;-)</P><P>Hier also die Pressemitteilung - viel Spaß:</P><P>So once you've found the woman of your dreams and reached the point in your relationship where sex is definitely on the cards, get off on getting it on in one, or all of these places:<BR><BR>5 - The Apartment Bed<BR>Not the most original of places to slip into something more comfortable, which explains its place at the bottom of the list. Perfectly acceptable for the more reserved lovers, but without an audience or the chance of discovery, the excitement factor is dangerously low.<BR><BR>4- The Shower<BR>Hot, steamy and a perfect place to get down and dirty, then scrub yourself clean and wash the sin away. Plenty of scope for fun and games with the soap bar too! It's more adventurous than the bedroom, but still lacks that extra risk of getting caught in the act.<BR><BR>3 ? The Changing Room<BR>Not one for the claustrophobic Casanova, but the fitting room is a perfect for a quickie while you try out that saucy new lingerie. It's a tight squeeze, and with nothing but a thin veil between you and the other customers, the excitement factor is drastically increased.<BR><BR>2 ? The Nightclub<BR>It may not tickle everyone's fancy, but for those who just can't wait until they get home, sex on the sofas in a darkened club can be a serious turn on. With party goers and keen eyed bouncers milling around, it's one for the daring and the devilish to try.<BR><BR>1- The Shop Window<BR>Live life on the edge! - The ultimate exhibitionist fantasy is something only the serious adrenaline junkies should try. In plain view of the public, shoppers and the store manager's watchful eye, this blatant sinful sex...
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