von Jan Wöbbeking,

Mystik Belle: WayForward (Shantae) bringt quietschvergnügten Hexenplattformer auf Konsolen

Mystik Belle (Plattformer) von WayForward
Mystik Belle (Plattformer) von WayForward - Bildquelle: WayForward
Lust auf Pixel, gutgelaunte Musik und noch mehr Kopffüßer? Der Entwickler von Shantae und zahlreicher anderer Jump&Runs - WayForward - bringt seinen Steam-Titel Mystik Belle im Laufe des Oktobers auf PlayStation 4 und Xbox One. Belle muss die drei wichtigsten Zutaten für die Walpurgisnacht besorgen und erforscht dazu die relativ offen gehaltene Welt ihrer Schule.

"As Belle, you must seek out the three crucial ingredients of the Walpurgisnacht Brew, which means investigating the school's colorful 2D landscapes in a quest that combines elements of nonlinear, exploration-based action-platformers and classic object-oriented adventures.

As you traverse the labyrinthine school's catacombs, laboratories, dungeons, and forests, you'll use everything from a sledgehammer to a fish head to solve numerous puzzles.
And when you aren't testing your grey matter, you'll put your wand to use against a variety of impressively animated enemies, including spooky spiders, pesky plants, and rambunctious rodents.

Can your mind and magic overcome the myriad mysteries, or will this quest spell defeat for the unfortunate Belle?

Key Features:

  • Explore a vast magical school containing a variety of environments
  • Discover new spells and abilities, and use them to combat more than 60 types of enemy monsters.
  • Collect bizarre objects to solve numerous brain-draining puzzles
  • Encounter and interact with your fellow Hagmore inhabitants. Snark and sarcasm abound!
  • Level up, gain new powers, and increase your strength, RPG-style!
  • Locate secret lore to discover the story's true ending"
Quelle: Pressemitteilung


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