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Unreal Tournament 2003: Patch #4 (v2199)

This patch is completely compatible with the retail version and previous
patches - servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other. This
patch will not overwrite your ut2003.ini and user.ini files, except to update
settings as necessary.

To use it with windows dedicated servers, rename it to, open and extract it to a temporary location with winzip, and copy the system directory (subdirectory of UT2003patch) into the system subdirectory of your server installation.

CHANGE LIST in v2199:

- Ambient weapon sounds (like minigun) are not affected by level ambient sound
volume changes.
- fixed translocator trail effect sometimes not working at start of game
- fixed blue translocator trail
- enabled weather effects on DE bonus pack maps
- made weapon ammo bars more visible on HUD
- terrain collision bug fix (this fixes the holes on CTF-Citadel and BR-Anubis)
- fixed Geothermal red flag base pipe hole
- fixed personal weapon stats for zoom instagib.
- fixed BR ball getting stuck in BR-TwinTombs
- fixed shark skin in multiplayer (DM-Oceanic)
- allow players to join chosen team even if its filled with bots
- fixed switchtolastweapon not working properly with link, lightning, and
- Made minigun and link "lock-down" effect configurable (server-side). To
change the effect, you will need to add the following lines to your UT2003.ini
file, in the [xGame.xDeathmatch] section:


The default is 1.0. A value of 0 = no momentum imparted, so no lockdown. This is visible in the game rules (in the server browser, or when pressing F2).

- added ability to turn off translocator switching back to previous weapon if
fire is pressed while alt-fire still held down. To change, add the following
section to your user.ini file:

- Added setspectatespeed exec function, which allows you to change the speed at
which spectator moves on the fly. Default speed is 600.
- improved spectating switching between viewed players
- switching between viewed players doesnot lose behindview setting
- added player names and beacons to spectator view. Can be hidden by adding
the line bHideSpectatorBeacons=true to the [Engine.PlayerController] section of
your UT2003.ini.
- don´t show "now viewing" at resolutions < 640x480
- added viewed player name to first person HUD.

Mod support:
- Fixed AddIni command for updating ini files by patches and umods.
- fixed a problem with ReviewJumpSpots on some levels. (ReviewJumpSpots is
used to verify that bots can use the Jumpspots as they are currently placed and
- Modified Speech Binder and Controls config to be more flexible

- reduced cheat protection false positives
- stats work for servers with bots (bots not included in stats)
- fixed: tournament mode can be configured from ut2003.ini
- removed log spam when players join using model not on server
- fixed bots balancing servers
- Fixed performance issue with ElecFields on dedicated servers
- Fixed challenge/response mechanism to prevent fake players
- String memory allocation server crash fix.
- Remove \s before returning player and server name in GameSpy query
- Disable echo replies in GameSpy query
- Fixed nametable overflow crash for hacked package files
- Fixed unreal:// URL overflow crash
- Limit number of successful connections from a single IP per minute.
Configured by these settings (default values):


- Removed config keyword from QueryHandlers variable declaration
- Added server name to browser title bar in webadmin
- Fixed CurrentGame maplist select not auto-selecting the currently playing map
in webadmin
- Fixed mutator sorting on Mutators page in webadmin
- Added more support for skinning webadmin
- Fixed sorting on Player List page
- Fixed Player List page display for specs
- Added support for banning/unbanning by ID to webadmin (hash appears in Player
List & Banned IPs)
- Fixed display problem with mutators that do not have configured groups
- Added checks to IPPlayer page for invalid IP addresses in ban list
- Completed localization support for webadmin
- Added security level listing to Rules/Settings pages (master admin will see
associated security level for each setting)

Demo Recording:
- fixed ability to fire while viewing client-side demos
- fixed ping on scoreboard of client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback speed problem
- fixed various weapon effects (bullet hits, link beam) with client-side demos
- fixed client-side demo playback jerkiness

- fixed problem with changing weapon bindings key for shock rifle and bio rifle
from menus
- added icons to server browser, showing if servers are passworded, have stats
support, are latest version, are running any mutators, or are running instagib.
- Properly disconnect from server when getting back to the main menu
- Fixed the Password entry dialog to convert " ", "?" and "\" to "_"
- Fixed stats dialogue to auto-select "enable stats" when you first connect to
a stats server

- Fix for longer loading times experienced by some users with 2186
- Karma Physics: Make SSE do the same thing on AMD and Intel processors.
- Fix bug with sphere-convex contact generation (eg. driving on blocking

CHANGE LIST in v2186:

- now support left handed weapons
- fixed hidden weapons appearing occasionally on respawn
- spectators dont show up on DM scoreboard at end of match
- FPH doesnt change after match ends
- shock combos now work after going through static meshes, and at all angles.
- Fixed when entering a painzone you take double the damage/second in the first
second and the correct amount thereafter.
- added exec function SwitchToLastWeapon (bound to E by default)
- fixed megaspeed DMMutator game option.
- improved bombing run AI (better AI reset between scores)
- fix for CTF flag cant be picked up
- fixed showing flag icon on scoreboard even if holder not relevant
- fixed throwing out minigun screwing up assault rifle
- added server option bBrightSkins to [UnrealGame.DMMutator] (and in the game
rules menu). Setting it to true makes player skins brighter.
- fixed rocketlauncher can lock onto invasion monsters (bonuspack)
- change weapon sound pitch when berserk
- added bPreloadAllSkins config option to UT2003.ini, in the
[UnrealGame.UnrealMPGameInfo] section. Its false by default.
If true, all skins and character models referenced in .upl files are preloaded.
Only set this option to true if you have a lot of system RAM (512 MB or more).
This option reduces the hitch experienced when new players join a multiplayer
game during gameplay.
- only allow restartgame() to be called once.
- added a GetWeaponStats exec function, which writes weapon info to the log for
tracking down weapon problems
- Fixed VoiceMenu Acknowledgements to use the abbreviated versions if available
- other clients hear rockets being loaded
- fixed local stats for instagib
- fixed domination hud for spectators
- added the exec command "specviewgoal" that will attempt to show the current
goal (be it the flag/ball/dom point or the guy holding it).
- made flak shell more visible
- dropflag works in net games

Mod support:
- GameRules.NetDamage() always called in team games, and GameRules.ScoreKill()
not called twice
- momentum is passed as an out (by reference) parameter in
GameInfo.ReduceDamage() and GameRules.NetDamage()
- moved teammate momentum reduction to TeamGame.ReduceDamage()
- added ClientReceiveCombo() to xPlayer, to allow replication of mutator
- Mod authors can now add keys to the config menu. See
XInterface.GUIUserKeyBinding for info "how to".
- added support for pushing skins and meshes down from the server, with the

Use PlayerRecordClass to push down player skins and meshes from the server.
For example, if the Reaper clan was running a server, and had their own clan
skin in ReaperSkin.utx, heres what they´d need to do:

Create a new ReaperMod.u file, with the class Reaper in it. The package name
must be the class name with "mod" appended. Reaper is a subclass of
PlayerRecordClass, with all the default properties set appropriately to setup
up the character. Clan members will need to have a .upl file with the same
character definition.

The server will need to have both ReaperSkin and ReaperMod in its

- improved cheat protection
- spectating improvements
- single pass through actor list for first pass relevancy determination for all
connections. Improves server CPU utilization by 20% to 30% for servers with
large numbers of players
- hide passwords in URL
- added bAdminCanPause configurable property to GameInfo. Its true by default.
To change it to false, add bAdminCanPause=false to the [Engine.GameInfo]
section of your UT2003.ini file.
- fixed precision problems with ping calculation
- fixed adminsay bringing up MOTD on clients
- fixed bots not properly losing player enemies when players log out of net
- Fixed LAN broadcast bug which caused problems in the LAN tab when multiple
UT2003 servers were run on the same machine
- TcpLink/UdpLink eventReceivedBinary fix.
- Fixed Bug in CheckIPPolicy
- fixed port swapping bug.
- maxspectators can be passed on command line
- Fix for Admins Managed Groups
- Fixed Admin names showing multiple times when in multiple groups
- Added several game options to Web Admin
- Fixed Web Admin SetPlayInfo so that it wont be called twice on DMMutator
- Fixed MutatorFillPlayInfo so that it chains. Do not override
MutatorFillPlayInfo, just override FillPlayInfo
- Fixed MD5 package protection so that it would stop resetting all
RevisionLevels to 0 on loadup
- Fixed Web Admin Friendly Fire defaults
- Fixed Kick Command in AdminINI
- Changed the seperator character for the in-game admin menu from | to ESC
- Made Extended Console stop complaining when a MusicManagerClass wasnt
- Fixed UTServerAdmin so it would pass PreQuery and PostQuery calls to mods
- fixed banning someone in internet games bans all spectators

Demo Recording:
- Fixed occasional (!Closing) crash on playback
- fixed shock beam on client-side demos
- When recording demos on a client, listen server or single player, the demo
file only records demo frames at the frame rate specified in
NetServerMaxTickRate in the [Engine.DemoRecDriver] section of UT2003.ini. This
does not effect the frame rate, only the rate at which frames are written to
the demo recording file. This solves the problem of slow demo playback of
client-side demos on machines which are not as fast as the recording machine.
- fixed bug where ?timedemo was accidentaly including the precaching time

- LowSoundQuality option is saved properly.
- maps listed alphabetically
- Added Map name to loading screen
- fixed bug where menu mouse resolution was dependent on direction
- added "MouseX/YMultiplier" to scale raw mouse input in [WinDrv.WindowsClient]
in your UT2003.ini
- added support for up to 8 mouse buttons
- Fixed some Accessed None spam in the UI
- fixed half op status for IRC client
- display channel topic for IRC client
- For custom game types, have seperate Custom tab with combo box in the
server browser.

- fixed bug which caused game to reverted to D3DDrv after patching
- added code to disable specular if neither ATI_texture_env_combine3 nor
NV_texture_env_combine4 are exposed (Linux DRI drivers)
- worked around fog related driver bug in older ATI drivers
- added code to switch back to desktop resolution at exit (Win98)

- fixed bug related to OverrideDesktopRefreshRate option
- added workaround for HW bug on certain older NVIDIA cards
- changed code to handle D3DERR_DEVICELOST on initial device creation

- updated DefOpenAL32.DLL with latest version from Creative

- fixed big memory leak caused by garbage collection problem with certain
levels (occurred on level change)
- fixed occasional crash which occurred during garbage collection on level
changes, or when joining a server
- fixed sporadic karma physics crash
- performance improvement: frame rate based culldistance for player shadows
- Benchmarked botmatches require ?attractcam=true to be appended on the command
line after ?quickstart=true to work like before

CHANGE LIST in v2166:

Demo Recording:

Demos can be recorded either on a server, or in single player, or as a client
in a network game.
For demos recorded as a client in a network game, you cannot cycle between
players in the match.


To record a demo on your server, start the server with the ?demorec URL
parameter. For example:

ucc server dm-gael?game=xgame.xdeathmatch?demorec=mydemo

Will record the game to the demo file mydemo.dem. If you leave off the
"=mydemo.dem", the server will record a demo with a unique filename starting at
demo0001.dem, demo0002.dem etc.

You can also use the "demorec" console command at the server console to start
recording a demo after a match has started. For example, "demorec mydemo" or
just "demorec".


Use the "demoplay" console command. For example, "demoplay mydemo". During
playback, pressing Fire will cycle between the players in the game and a free
spectator camera. Pressing Alt-fire will switch between first and 3rd person.

"demoplay mydemo?loop" will cause the demo to loop infinitely until the
"stopdemo" console command is used.

Normally demos play back capped to the frame rate at which they were recorded.
To remove this cap, use "demoplay mydemo?timedemo". This will play the demo
back as fast as possible and dump the average fps to the console at the end of
the demo. If a demo recorded at a higher framerate than your computer is able
to play it back, the demo will play in slow motion.

The frame rate dedicated servers use when recording demos is adjustable in
UT2003.ini in the [Engine.DemoRecDriver] section. Change NetServerMaxTickRate
and LanServerMaxTickRate. The default values are 30 fps. Increasing these
will increase your server CPU utilization.

- friendly fire kills affect team scores
- made players a little brighter
- allow weapon throwing with weapon stay on (but cant pick up thrown weapon if
already have that weapon), plus added configurable gameinfo property
bAllowWeaponThrowing (default true)
- dont spam "you are ready/not ready" messages to console before game starts
- fixed FFA DM overtime end conditions
- Ability to have custom announcer voices. Make a new announcer voice pack
(with the same sound names as the original AnnounceMain.uax), named
NewPackName.uax (where NewPackName = whatever you want to call it), and put it
in the ut2003\sounds directory. Then, in the User.ini file (in the
UT2003\system directory) change:
- fixed strafe toggle
- support longer playernames on scoreboard/HUD
- show FPH in scoreboard
- fixed flags sitting on ground in CTF-Citadel
- more minigun ammo
- really fixed 4 rocket bug
- Fixed DM-TokaraForest flags showing up
- fixed CTF-LostFaith KillZ
- spectating maintains view - when a player dies it continues to view the
player when they respawn.
- improved texture precaching, removing a few early hitches
- moved arena mutator config and maplists from user.ini to ut2003.ini
- update .ini files without overwriting them! (except for settings added or
changed since we shipped)
- fixed bug when had more than 16 bots total on custom teams
- improved translocation (less failures)
- link alt no blood
- dont lose adrenaline if switch teams to team with less players
- added Gameinfo property bAllowBehindView, server option allows behindview in
net games if true (default false)
- made lightning gun recharge match up better recharge finish (it was playing
too long)
- reduced delays between allowed voice messages
- scaled weapon and powerup pickups down some to match player size better
- spectators can go through doors/movers
- fixed catching weapons in mid air
- added DropFlag command
- adjusted distance fog in some levels to make them look crisper/higher
- if weapons are invisible, firing is centered
- added PipedSwitchWeapon exec function, to allow you to bind to weapons to a
single key by editing your user.ini, e.g. "e=pipedswitchweapon 5 |
pipedswitchweapon 7" allows you to switch to and between the linkgun and the
- added configurable option bShowMessageText to TeamVoicePack, controls whether
text of non-taunt voice messages is shown. To change this value from its
default of true, add the following lines to your user.ini file"

- added in-game personal stats (bound to F3)
- Added Server Info which includes MOTD and Rules (bound to F2)
- Added In-Game Chat Client (Similar to IRC)
- made team section of HUD scaleable
- Mouse acceleration threshold now in the menus
- FOV settings 80 to 100 in menu - FOV defaults to 85, set it to 90 to feel
more like UT
- Press f10 to cancel added to connect message
- "Blob shadows" option added to menus
- Change "corrupted connection detected" to "incompatible game files"
- Add name of weapon you are switching to to hud
- Fixed DisplayProgressMessages to only show MOTD once
- Added color codes to text messages
- Fixed MOTD to be able to handle more than 4 lines
- Add up/down key history to IRC input
- Allow double-clicking unreal:// and http:// URLs in IRC chat.
- Add colour to IRC (nicknames, join/leave messages, links etc.).
- Ctrl-C in server browser copies selected server URL
- Extra game-type tabs created automatically for installed game types (from
.int file).
- Add extra fields to server browser filter - dont want this mutator,
translocator, weaponstay.
- fixed blue team preference not being saved
- added configurable HUD option to not display enemy names under your crosshair

- fixed bot aiming link shaft at crouched opponent
- BR AI improvements
- CTF AI improvements
- improved skyline bot AI
- improved bot use of ion cannon

- make sure ClientNetSpeed cant get set to 0
- improved client ping measurement
- fixed client location synchronization problem that could happen when you fell
out of a crouching height only area
- fixed bug where lost ability to fire
- fixed weapon idle animations on net clients
- fixed GetLocalPlayerController() on net clients
- fixed BR-Skyline airship in netplay
- improved smoothness for high ping clients
- fixed minplayers stats coexistence
- admins can pause net games
- fixed combo effects showing up in net games
- *really* fixed redeemer firing bug
- Fixed bug that caused garbage collection not to occur between level changes
- Gamestats class is now configurable via ini
- Security actor is now configurable via ini
- Add ClientReplaceMenu in Playercontroller
- Added Admin command NextMap
- Applied fix for bug where some string checking in Web admin failed
- Fix bug in Web admin that causes "WebAdmin:" to appear twice
- Added security level checks to web admins ServerChangeMap
- Applied fix for linux Web Admin regard hard-coded IP addresses
- Applied fix for Admin kicking via XAdmin
- Closed security hole where admins could look/set security info
- reduced ConnectionTimeout to 15 seconds
- allow players to enter as spectators in games with maxlives>0 that have
already started
- replicate weapon reload sounds
- allow admins and spectators to use behindview

Mod support:
- added ModifyVelocity() event to Pawn, to allow mods to modify physics
behavior - its called by the physics code after the velocity is updated, but
before it affects the Pawns location.
- added mutate() replicated function for use by mutators
- fixed teamgame ReduceDamage() allows mutators to override even if
- added skeleton option to .upl player descriptions (for user created models
with different skeletons)
- Add -MainMenu= command line param
- Fixed several internal hardcoded menu links
- Fixed GUIController to always use the ini set MainMenuClass
- Propagate LevelChange() through the interaction and gui system
- Add MutatorFillPlayInfo to allow mutators to add web admin settings
- Added bContactingLevel output variable to KarmaParamsCollision.
- fixed umod installer

- Memory leak fixes: Explicitly destroy KarmaParams in
Actor::PostScriptDestroy, and new KarmaParamsSkel instead of using
- Fix for crash with per-tri karma collision with static meshes with no
collision data

- fixed z- pixel fog and favored it over vertex fog
- worked around vertex fog driver bug on ATI cards
- added workarounds for S3 cards like the Savage 4
- added OverrideDesktopRefreshRate option (defaults to false)

- fixed occlusion if EAX 3.0 is enabled
- play own footstep sounds with weaponbob false unless set
[UnrealGame.UnrealPawn] bPlayOwnFootSteps=false in user.ini
- more sound prioritization improvements

CHANGE LIST in v2136:


- suicides count against team score in TDM
- fixed attenuation flak chunk damage over distance
- reduced minigun spin up time slightly
- made shock beam effect thicker
- always keep dynamic light for shock projectile, even in low detail mode
- translocation destination adjustment bug fix
- "kdraw collision" disabled in MP
- player dies before ball gets through hoop should still get credit for throw
- fixed redeemer point blank shots
- double tap time invariant to gamespeed
- get rid of 03_2 use (duplicate of "three" sound)
- fixed problems with overtime not ending on first score in some situations
- fixed transloc camera sometimes taking two taps
- fixed 4 rocket bug
- fixed instagib really is instaGIB
- fixed 10 seconds before can speak again
- fixed killz in CTF-December, CTF-Face3, CTF-Citadel, and BR-IceFields
- clamped max view bob
- fixed tokara forest switching to CTF
- fix for balllauncher switchaway bug
- fixed problem with teammates grabbing the flag right when you score
- fixed No Adrenaline mutator not allowing other mutators to work
- fixed getting correct bots on configured bot games with no bots on one team
- fixed falling damage bug
- straightened lightning bolt (purely visual change to make it easier to see
where you are shooting)
- fixed shieldgun impact charging effect fps slowdown
- Fix bug where ragdolls did not turn skeletal when they fall into lava volume.
- If there is no momentum on death, add a small random one. Reduces ragdolls
just falling to their knees.
- added mouse acceleration for improved fine aiming control. Can be turned on
by adding the following line to the [Engine.PlayerInput] section in user.ini:
MouseAccelThreshold= 100.0
- added "now viewing" message when spectating
- Fixed: At end of match it says "You´ve lost the match" while spectating
- assault grenade faster minimum muzzle velocity
- fixed water footstep sounds sometimes not playing when touching
- no behindview cheat in net games
- Simplified using custom ragdolls. Ragdoll=xxxx in the .upl file now
overrides the species ragdoll asset for the character. This approach is
compatible with the cheat protection.
- Fix screwed-up vehicle camera.
- increased skeletal mesh pool vertex buffer lifetime from 500 to 1000 frames
- rocket smoke trail whiter
- rocket launcher max ammo now 30
- improved instagib beams
- no shooting through people in classic instagib (just like it was in UT), you
can still shoot through them in zoom instagib
- fixed replicating blood spurts when hit
- improved sound positioning/attenuation
- fixed suicide spamming lagging servers
- fixed AI slowdown when cannot reach players location


- typed messages stay up on HUD longer
- dont limit chat when game is paused
- fixed joystick support in menus
- added joystick hat support
- made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
- new HUD options in menus:
Number of console messages shown
Console message font size
Ability to turn on and off various pieces of the HUD
Ability to scale the HUD
- Cut and Paste in Console and server browser/edit boxes.
- Change IForce to TouchSense Mouse Settings
- Added Min/Max players to Map Selection
- Added Author Name to Map Selection for Non-Epic maps
- Add Description field for Mod Authors and hooked it to the scrolly
- Added Announcer volume control to menus
- Speech binder menu in Settings.
- Mouse wheel support on speech menu. On by default, but the ut2003.ini option
bSpeechMenuUseMouseWheel turns it off.
- Letter key support in Speech Menu. The ut2003.ini option
bSpeechMenuUseLetters turns this on, and you can specify what keys it uses in
the .ini file as well.
- Fix [ALL] being at the bottom of the speech menu player list.
- added joystick hat support
- made sure "showlog" leaves fullscreen first
- fix for particle "priming"
- enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
- added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
- fix for particle "priming"
- enabled "preferences" and made it leave fullscreen
- added support for Asian language keyboard input via IME
- Add IP and Add Buddy dialogs focus the edit box by default.
- can change crosshair color


- bots supporting player will grab nearby pickups
- fixed bots rotating to acquire targets too fast
- added ReactionTime parameter for bots
- fixed bots stuck in corners wanting to go to paths above
- bots go after adrenaline more


- fixed editor crash when rebuild paths with new pickupbase
- UnrealEd works on Win98


- added option to cap framerate in netplay (on by default). This improves
client smoothness by keeping client physics updates more in sync with server.
Its controlled in your UT2003.ini file in the [Engine.LevelInfo] section by
- improved ping measurement shown in scoreboard
- F6 bound to "stat net" again
- improved client movement on jumppads
- Buddy list wildcards
- Master server cheat protection MD5 support
- Removed server connect() 10054 warning
- servers no longer dont reconnect to master server on authentication failure
- Show server ip in server browser
- Remove ICMP logspam by default
- IRC client under Chat tab in Server Browser.
- Added Server Browser button in-game so you can view servers/chat without
leaving game.
- Remove spurious qhull-related warnings at the console eg. when running a
- Removed a lot of server log spam
- added AdminSay function which works from log window
- overtime ends if no one left on server
- stats compatible with minplayers > 0 (stats start when number of bots drops
to 0)
- fixed bug allowing bots to be added by admins in stats enabled games
- dedicated servers dont need to load skins/meshes/voices
- server CPU improvements (dont find actor channel reference twice)
- fixed server memory leak


- fixed CD check problems on some machines


- fix for SiS 315 and other TnL cards only exposing one vertex stream
- better debug output for certain fatal failures
- better handling of running out of memory in default pool
- possible fix for UD3DRenderDevice::Unlock crash
- fix for "CreateVertexBuffer failed (D3DERR_INVALIDCALL)" crash
- made code respect D3DTEXOPCAPS_MODULATEALPHA_ADDCOLOR caps bit
- fixed case that led to an invalid stage setup in certain scenarios
- more Voodoo 3/5 & G400 workarounds (never sending more than 2 texcoords)
- better error message for UnSetRes
- changed error message for crash inside D3D8::DrawIndexedPrimitive
- now tries system memory pool if allocation in default pool fails even after
evicting all managed resources
- made FAuxRenderTarget destructor flush rendering resources
- added AvoidHitches" option to the D3D renderer which might be useful for
people with 64 MByte cards that play on high detail settings. It significantly
reduces the occurrence of substantial hitches, but slightly reduces average


- replaced 8x8 dummy texture with 1x1 texture
- increased VARSize from 20 to 32
- added code to correctly fill in GMachineVideo
- implemented DesiredRefreshRate
- implemented ReduceMouseLag
- friendly error message when trying to run the Editor
- implemented missing case where neither NV_texture_env_combine4 nor
ATI_texture_env_combine3 are exposed
- changed VAR code to try smaller VAR ranges before giving up



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